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Final Exam Study Guide
Care and Prevention Final Exam Study Guide
This is a list of included topics, it doesn't include everything.  Anything from the semester is fair game.

This is to be used as a guide, there may be a couple more things not listed here.
MATCHING Conditioning principles which include:  stretching techniques, active ROM, agonist, overload, eccentric contraction, isometric exercise, and golgi tendon organs (to include a few) All principles are fair game

Know the difference between:  joint, strain, sprain, ligament, tendon

The largest organ of the body.

MATCHING joint motions and directional terms which include:  Anterior, Posterior, Inferior, Superior,  Prone, Supine, Medial, Distal, Deep, Flexion, Cryotherapy, and Indication (to name a few) All joint motions and terms are fair game

What does HOPS stand for?

What is a modality?

What are the physiological effects of cryotherapy?

What are the physiological effects of thermotherapy?

Inversion/Lateral ankle sprains comprise what percentage of ankle injuries?

What are the actions of the quadriceps muscle group?

What are the actions of the hamstring muscle group?

What is the term for knock knees?

What is the term for bow legs?

Which structures are injured with an unhappy triad?

What is number of bones associated with the infant  and adult spine?

What does ROM stand for?

Factors that limit flexibility include:

What are the actions of the golgi tendon organs

What are the two primary bloodborne pathogens of concern in the allied-health profession?

How do we identify biohazardous material and how do we disinfect surfaces  exposed to blood?  Be able to list as many as possible, ways to limit exposure and/or spread of blood-borne pathogens.

What are the five heat transfer processes by which the body may gain or lose heat.

(4) Movements  associated with the ankle.

(4) Movements associated with the knee.

(9) Movements associated with the glenohumeral joint.

(4) Movements associated with the spine.

Name the primary three members of the sports medicine team.

Name five professions that can also be included as part of the sports medicine team

Name five common pulses of the body.

Be able to list the three planes of the body.

Name five functions of the skeletal system (bones).

List the five signs of inflammation.

List the three stages of cold sensations felt with estimated time frames.  The fourth stage is the hunting response which takes place after 20-30 minutes to limit tissue damage due to prolonged exposure to cold.

What is the most common item used to treatment and acute injury?  Why?

What does PRICE stand for?

What are indications and contraindications?

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